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7 May 2019

Wagtail 2.5

Starring Django 2.2 support, Markdown shortcuts and better StreamField diffing

Tom Dyson

Tom Dyson

Director, Torchbox

We're pleased to announce the release of Wagtail 2.5, which brings a clutch of headline features along with the results of our wonderful community's consistent work to crush bugs, improve documentation and add loving touches to the user experience for authors, editors and developers.

In particular, we're proud to bring you well-tested support for Django 2.2, only twenty three days after the announcement of Django's latest long-term support release. We'd also like to draw your attention to the new support for commonly-used Markdown shortcuts for inline formatting within Draftail, Wagtail's modern rich text editor. And while we've provided editor-friendly diffs of content version within the page editing UI for a long time, comparison of StreamField blocks has been unwieldy; Wagtail 2.5 makes significant improvements here.

The list of 'other features' in this release is unusually long, but I recommend you read through them all. You may discover improvements to features that you didn't know existed, like optional rich text formats or Jinja image tags or automatic search indexing.

There are many new names in the list of authors, including several first time contributors who joined us at the wonderful Wagtail Space in Arnhem, the Netherlands. As always, we're grateful to everyone who has suggested changes, submitted contributions, reviewed code, helped with documentation, helped answer questions on Slack and StackOverflow, or just said nice things about Wagtail.